Hi all,
I don’t think I’ve seen a springtime quite like this, with more people than ever having to deal with major life issues, plus concern over the nations, economy and world events. So many people want friendship with others on the same spiritual page, and more than that; wanting to know the Father and Lord better than ever. House churches are starting at a greater rate than we’ve ever seen.
How do and how will non-Christians view us as we go through life’s trials and challenges?
What was past is required today
In Acts 5: 11-14 we have 3 comments on the way the early church was viewed. Immediately after Pentecost the body of Christ was in unity. Even more so when Ananias and Sapphira were judged for bringing lying and hypocrisy into that unity.
Following their deaths it says: “And great fear came on the church and on as many as heard these things.” The Greek word ‘phobos’ is translated ‘fear’, and can mean fear as we think of fear and phobias today. But depending on the context it can also mean reverence, respect.
In other words, the body of Christ and others took notice with godly fear and reverence at what happened to Ananias and Sapphira. Others on the outside did the same.
Side note: I remember when the Lord in a visitation was teaching me about judgement, and He had commented on the unity and love in the body of Christ in the year or so immediately after Pentecost. That unity and love could not be allowed to be violated by their lying and hypocrisy, so the Lord judged them.
He commented: “Remember my son, the level of judgment is always equal to the level of the anointing.” And, “Many are calling on the Father to send revival to this land (USA), but truly I tell you if He were to do that, there would be many, many Ananias and Sapphira’s across the land.”
Back to the study: In v13 we have the other two ways the body of Christ was viewed: “And the rest, no man dared join them, but the people magnified them, (v14) and believers were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women.”
The Greek of ‘dared’ is ‘be bold enough’ or ‘be brave enough’ to join them. The word ‘magnify’ means to rise in esteem, from ‘mega’ meaning to make larger or bigger in one’s mind.
They are watching
This is like when the Lord does something amazing for you, and others on the outside take notice. Remember in Acts 5, all that was going on while the government was plotting how to persecute the Christians. But the common people were watching.
Notice that within the space of 2 verses we are told ‘no man was brave enough to join them’ and ‘believers were added to them, multitudes of men and women.’
What it means is that it took bravery to become a believer in the Lord in that time. The judgement caused people to look at their own lives, judge themselves, and some thought they might end up like Ananias and Sapphira if they believed.
But others became brave enough to believe. The word ‘join’ is ‘kollao’ which was used then to mean ‘glue together’. The modern English word ‘collagen’ is from that same word.
The days are coming when for us and now are, where it will take courage to continue being called ‘Christian’, and secondly, those observing us who will make the decision to ‘glue’ themselves to Christ and us. And at the same time, ‘no man dared join them’ will be seen – some won’t want anything to do with being Christian. We are seeing some of this now all over the world. This separation between believers and non-believers is growing.
Years ago
In one of our house churches, we had a husband and wife who had several children. At his work one day, one of his co-workers came to his office and asked why he had such peace, why his life seemed to have a sense of order about it. It took bravery to ask, but this man was seeking answers.
The man was living with a woman and had 3 children with her, but had never thought of marriage or God. They argued constantly and their lives seemed to move from crisis to crisis with little rest in between.
When the man told him he was a Christian and God walked with them through the troubles of life, he told him he didn’t want anything to do with church. He told him they didn’t go to church, they had church in the home, and invited them over for dinner, a little talk and Bible study, which he said, was very much like a house church meeting.
(In most house church meetings at least some food is included, with discussion and Bible study, the 4 elements of Acts 2: 42 being present: teaching, fellowship, food, prayer)
They did so and our couple shared their lives, and their walk with the Lord with the other couple. When the couple came to the house church meeting that Sunday morning, they found it to be very similar to the dinner they’d had a couple nights before, just with several other families and single adults.
Long story short, that ‘seeker’ couple came to their house church, and within a week or so chose to believe on the Lord, received the Holy Spirit, and shortly after, got married. The house church couple babysat their kids while they went on a honeymoon cruise.
They are watching.
Let us live our lives consistently in these uncertain times. Let others see our lives, our answered prayers, the little graces here and there that prove our Father is ordering our steps. Let the Lord’s work in our lives speak for itself – and then when asked, we can tell them why we have peace no matter what happens around us. Why our lives have order. Why we have a smile on our face. Some won’t dare join themselves to you. Some will respect you. Some will be brave to respond to God’s invitation in their heart.
Sometimes people just need a personal revelation like Laban had with Jacob: “I have learned by experience God has blessed me for your sake.” Genesis 30: 27
KWOWI (kwowi.org)- Monthly ($41) support continues to grow for the children in Uganda and Kenya, thank you so much! Here is a link to a recent video of our team’s trip to Uganda:
Interviews: I have been interviewed on the Randy Kay show and Deep Believer show (3x) on YouTube, if you or someone you know are interested in hearing what I’ve seen in heaven, and some of the visitations I’ve had with the Lord. My heart has always been to know the ways of the Lord, so these are good ways to hear some of these things and where I’ve just sat down to share for nearly 2 hours at each sitting.
Thank you so very much for being in our lives – your emails, prayers, financial support mean everything to us – our friends and partners are our whole life of service to the body of Christ! Our focus is on the real and genuine, the things that make a difference in our lives in the Lord. Thank you for joining us in ministry.
John & Barb, Brian & Amy.