Hi all,
We have some big changes to announce for our 2024 conference and retreat schedules.
There has been a large increase in people who have become aware of us from YouTube interviews on the Randy Kay show, the 4 interviews on the Deep Believer channel with Jennifer Bagnaschi, and the 4 ministry sessions at Shekinah Worship Center. www.shekinahworship.com
Some are interested in house church, most are not. They just want teaching. In an effort to accommodate both sets of people, next year we are having 2 conferences in Tulsa, plus a retreat for leaders in the network.
2024 conferences in Tulsa
June 29-30 and November 2-3. We are changing our registration format so you can choose to attend one or both days. Saturday will be teaching, Q&A, and deep worship in the evening. Sunday will be exclusively for those interested in house church. The conference fee will be much less, for either the 1 or both days, just to cover our room and refreshment costs. Food and lodging will be the responsibility of attendees.
In this way those who are not interested in house church can come for Saturday, but those interested in house church can add that 2nd day on Sunday to make it a full weekend.
May 2-5 retreat in the Netherlands will be the same format as always, and is always a hugely anointed and wonderful time. Registration will be later for all these dates, so stay tuned. For information email Wil and Ank at cwowi@solcon.nl
A word about this month’s audio series.
I recently completed a Weekly Thoughts series on emotional and mental illness, but this audio series is very different. I go into detail into the emotions of Joseph’s brothers and their plot to murder him – tracing the thought to the obsession and finally oppression.
We study King Saul and what appears to be a bi-polar condition, though much more as a demon was involved. We look at Nebuchadnezzar’s 7 year mental illness, what caused it and how he overcame it. And then to NT signs of the end times which include emotionally unbalanced people – anger, love turning cold, giving heed to seducing spirits and teachings of demons – and how to avoid and overcome the tendency to focus on only 1 topic or 1 subject. Giving tools and knowledge to spot and overcome emotional imbalance or illness.
What’s the buzz….
Rome burned in July of the year 64 for 6 days. Nero blamed Christians, which started the first federally sponsored persecution of Christians. 10 Caesars persecuted Christians on a federal level, right up to the time it was legalized by Constantine in June of 313AD. (Nero, Vespasian, Domitian, Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, Maximinus, Decius, Valerian, Diocletian, (Constantine & Galerius, early in Constantine’s reign would be 11)
Up to that point persecution had been localized and sporadic. In Jerusalem Acts 7 records Stephen’s martyrdom less than a year after Pentecost. James, the brother of John, was killed in Acts 12, about 10 years after Pentecost.
As Christianity began to spread, unbelieving Jews followed Paul and stirred up trouble. In Acts 18: 12-16 in Corinth, Greece, the Jews tried to make their persecution of Christianity a federal case.
The passage tells us the Roman judge Gallio, who would be like a Supreme Court judge in our day, ruled against the Jews, saying their case against Paul was not a federal case. This gave Christianity about 10 years of relative peace with Rome, though Paul continued to be persecuted by the Jews within their religious system – and when they could spread it to local government, they did so.
What is amazing is the letters of the New Testament barely mention persecution. Peter’s first letter is about the subject, but without naming specific instances. The letters from Paul, Peter, James, John and Jude are about Christ in us, what He has done for us, what our lives in Him should be.
Compare that with many Christians today and their focus. Were the authors of the NT informed on current events? Certainly. Was that their focus? Not at all.
Today, we use the excuse of ‘wanting to know what God is doing’, to surf the web, and honestly, much of it is focused on what the devil is doing. But we don’t see that in the pages of the NT. They were all about what Christ in them meant to their lives, how they could be more Christ-like, and urging us to develop the healthy relationships in Christ so necessary for growth in Him and as people.
Whatever happens in the world has not caught the Father or Lord by surprise. The Father is still going to provide just like He has always provided to this point – if your gaze is focused on Him and not on the fear of world events.
The issue with many is not lack of faith, but a high level of unbelief. That comes by looking at circumstances more than looking at the miracles He has already done in your life. When you count up all that He has done to get you to this point, then whatever is ‘out there’ in the world seems rather inconsequential – for He had not change, His arm not shortened to save.
Focus on what He is doing in you; that’s what He asks of each of us daily. If we seek Him and His righteousness, the rest will be added.
Thank you for your financial and prayer support. All donations large and small are truly appreciated, and know I pray for you daily and as the Father leads. Thank you for being in our lives!
John & Barb, Brian & Amy