Hi all,
I shared last month about the visitation I had with the Lord on July 2. I only shared the first part of what He said, so I’ll share a bit more now.
You’ll recall I shared last month, that He said:
“A great divide is coming to this nation.” And “Those who have been listening to Me won’t be caught by surprise.” I shared this also applies in many nations around the world; the divide between lovers of righteousness and lovers of evil will become very clear. He commented how political values are a reflection of our heart’s values, and that is where He is dealing with His people; values, priorities.
I was strongly impressed to email what He said out, which was the 10th of the month instead of the usual 20th. And 3 days later we had the attempt on the former President, and Harris becoming the de-facto nominee. Part of that divide is clearly related to those events, revealing the values and priorities of people, with His focus the body of Christ. And again, what He is doing here in the US He is doing all over.
Remember His 7 messages to the 7 churches in The Revelation chapters 2 & 3?
Each message was personalized to their city, their situation, yet all had the same theme – love the Lord and walk with Him in all things. Change the values of your heart to focus on your walk with Him. The same is true now. What He said which was mostly about the US, is also applicable to the whole body of Christ, personalized to each area, but with the same core theme.
But He spoke of a divide that will be played out in the body of Christ in the coming months and years much like that church at Laodicia.
“I wish you were either hot or cold, but because you are neither hot nor cold I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3: 15-16) This was similar in that He will use difficulties in the world to His advantage, to make His people choose to either be ‘hot’ for Him, or ‘cold’ – no more sitting on a fence body of Christ!
While He spoke of economic difficulty and persecution, that wasn’t His focus, it was just part of the things that would be turned by Him into a blessing as those in His body who needed to get serious with Him will – or they will turn away.
I then asked about next year other than what He had already spoken to me about, and He commented on AI – Artificial Intelligence. The summary that I’ll share is this:
Developing more fully next year and laying a foundation and precedent for coming years, companies who collect data and use AI will become so powerful with the information and their abilities, that they will become a force to be reckoned with by the federal government(s). For this issue will be dealt with world-wide, though He commented Europe will handle it differently ‘for now’.
He said (in the US) they will together “exert their power” and “become so powerful that the government will have to deal with them.” He said Congress would debate laws guarding people, but behind the scenes big companies who collect data and use AI, will become so powerful government will join with them behind the scenes to use their information.
He said this is laying the ground work for what is spoken about in the last of the last days of the age, where an economic and social system works with government against His people (seen in Europe in The Revelation).
As He spoke, a rectangular screen appeared to His left and in front of me.
I saw puffy white clouds in the sky, and 2 parallel lines in the air floating there within the clouds, in and out, visible and invisible, weaving through the clouds. It was like those lines, which resembled fiber optic cables, were dancing with one another. They were horizontal running right and left through the screen, but weaving and moving sometimes in together and sometimes independent of the other. The top line wasn’t quite as hidden by clouds as the lower line, which could barely be seen. The top line was more consistently visible, but much of it was hidden.
The clouds clearly represented ‘the cloud’ meaning the cyber world, and the lines were running through the clouds as part of the clouds, some visible, some hidden by cloud. The top line was a visible government as a public face where it could be seen, but beneath it and appearing smaller or weaker was the data and AI private companies have now, and will develop in the near future. But it was those companies who wielded the real power in months and years to come. The lines became so they were almost woven together.
It was clear the smaller and apparently weaker of the 2, the companies, were in fact what was holding the relationship together – actually being stronger than the government in terms of the information they had. The 2 lines had an interdependent relationship, being controlled by and controlling each other in a mutual relationship, companies with data and AI, behind the scenes.
He spoke once again of information being benevolent in the US for now.
But this visit did remind me again of what the Father told me when I asked Him about the Patriot Act of October 2001, which is a set of laws enacted in the US after the 9/11 attacks. “Laws that were designed to protect my people will one day be used against them.” It seemed He was alluding to the intelligence and AI capabilities would one day be used against His people in the west – similar to what we see now elsewhere in social grading and such.
That part is FYI – nothing more, nothing less, just wisdom and information for what will be developing in the next year and in the coming years. No fear, just interesting information to give us a sense of where things are heading. You may have sensed some of this in your spirit, and the groundwork has been in the news and talked about, but perhaps it will bring some clarity to you as it has for me.
I’ll stop there.
When I look at that whole visitation back on July 2, I could see the first part was what He is doing in His body, and the second part was what the world will be doing. This is a normal pattern when He visits me, often sharing a message in two parts: His body, and the world – the last part just FYI.
Notice the balance His sharing represents. What He is doing, and what the world is doing, with things concerning the world simply being information, meaning a lesser priority. Just something to be aware of and watch. (Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation/test/trial – Mt 26:41)
Many Christians are lop-sided in what they consume through their eyes and ears. Their first priority is ‘what’s the buzz, tell me what’s happening’. They are more interested in what the world is doing than what Christ is doing in them, and in the body as a whole. When they arise they head right for the computer to see what this or that person is saying, rather than spend time with Him asking what He asks of them today, this week, this month.
The first part of what He said had to do with what He is doing
That is where our focus should be. Consider that during the time the New Testament was written, Christians were being imprisoned and murdered just for being Christian. But there is barely a mention of persecution in the letters of the NT. Their focus was on what Christ is doing in them.
So should it be in our time. What the world is doing is FYI – For Your Information – and that’s how I’ve always taken it, interesting to know but not my focus. This has been His patten with me almost from the start of these visitations. Part what He is doing and part what will happen in the world.
Don’t feed on speakers who use fear and confusion to stir those things in you. James 3:15 says the wisdom of the world is sense-oriented and stirs strife, confusion and every evil. In v17 he says the wisdom from above is pure, peaceful, gentle, reasonable, full of good things and is impartial. Follow the wisdom from above, feed on that, and let that which tickles the ears but stirs fear in you, fall by the way side.
Focus first on what He is asking of you today. Then outward to what He is doing in those closest to you, then to other disciples you know. It is a simple adjustment of the heart, and then a simple refusal to click that cursor on the computer – the heart is willing but the flesh is weak. Control the flesh.
The audio series this month continues our walk through the New Testament
This series is full of wisdom for everything from marriage, leadership, how a Christian should think and prioritize, and so much more. Next month I’ll cover Hebrews, James and I Peter, and in October, The Revelation, to close out the NT.
The program in Uganda will be shifting in the coming months to more direct involvement with the sponsored children. Planning is still going on, but will probably focus on weekend and/or after school instruction, food, and support. We also hold out hope that cost effective satellite communication and internet will be available this fall, which can revolutionize the children’s lives, and also the house churches.
In Uganda in particular, with 400+ house churches in rural western Uganda, traveling to them is very difficult. With satellite communication and internet coming to the region, it will be much better for everyone to be able to communicate with each other.
In Kenya our leaders have a good distribution plan in place to take sponsorship funds directly to the families, and the most recent issues have been the political unrest there. There have been times they have not been able to get to the store due to concern of roving mobs.
Pray for Kenya, for wisdom for Uganda – all the children are so precious in both countries and we thank our sponsors for truly changing lives. Many are receiving food and instruction, even clothing and other support because of you. Thank you!
Thank you for your prayers for our family. As I mentioned last month, there have been many challenges, especially in health. Thank you for your support. We truly love and appreciate you.
John & Barb, Brian & Amy