About Us
We are a ministry that started in 2002 who now connects house church affiliates in over 45 countries and growing.

Who We Are
We are an international house church network that was established in 2002 by John and Barb Fenn in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Since its establishment, the network has grown to connect hundreds of house church affiliates in over 50 countries around the world. The house churches in our network affiliate under one unified Statement of Faith and one set of core values with no financial contribution required. These house churches revolve around friends, neighbors, and co-workers meeting regularly for the purpose of growing in Christ and letting the Lord’s will be done in their midst.

What We Do
We serve as a mechanism to connect Christians and as a resource for those in our house church network. Connection is accomplished by providing annual house church conferences, online video conferencing, network updates, monthly newsletters, social media platforms and constant personal communication with affiliates. We serve as a resource through weekly video teachings, weekly devotionals (Weekly Thoughts), monthly teaching series, free worship music and the Church Without Walls Bible School.

Our Culture
We work to keep the Word and the Spirit in balance within our network. We are a nondenominational organization and when our affiliates meet together, they celebrate what they have in common (Jesus). We do not harbor offense or anger towards other Churches or organizations, knowing God works through whatever avenue we give Him. We encourage our house church affiliates to rotate homes and rotate leadership each week. We believe the process of discipleship is supernatural.