Hi all, Last week I shared about the 'Feast of Trumpets' that celebrates the resurrection of the righteous dead and the changing of the righteous
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When Rapture? Body, Bride #1
Hi all, When people ask me if I believe in the 'rapture', I ask them, "Which one? There are 7." That shakes them up a bit, and I'll explain below, but
Read MoreLike a Kid at Christmas #3
Hi all, I'm the oldest of 4 children, and we were ages 11, 9, 7 and 5 when dad left our family. One kind of respect Because I am the oldest I have
Read MoreMarch 2014 Newsletter
Dear friends, I’d like to share the role recent events in Ukraine play in the larger prophetic picture, and update you in other areas too. What
Read MoreLike a Kid at Christmas #2
Hi all, A friend of mine once had an appointment with the President of an African nation. He was trying to bring Christian educational materials and a
Read MoreLike Kids at Christmas #1
Hi all, I grew up in a big house with a long hall going back to 4 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. At the other end of the house was what we called the family
Read MoreScriptural Blood Moon #2
Hi all, A husband and wife had invited 2 couples who were good friends, for dinner. He was late from work so their friends had already arrived before
Read MoreScriptural Blood Moon #1
Hi all, Barb propped the side door part way open as she leaned in to yell, "John, where are the pots for the plants?" I was in the living room writing
Read MoreFebruary 2014 Newsletter
Dear friends, I’ve been thinking on the word from the Father I shared last fall about how we would see the passing of a generation in the coming
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Hi all, I've had a lot of people ask about the 'Four Blood Moons' teaching, based on Mark Biltz' 2008 theory that became the title of a best selling
Read MoreThe Way the Father & Lord Think #4
Hi all, How to walk in His thoughts I want to walk you through a recent situation in my life to give you an example of how I get the Father's
Read MoreThe Way the Father & Lord Think #3
Hi all,We were hiking in Colorado's high prairie south of LaJunta. Back then I could carry Chris piggy-back while the younger two boys scrambled up
Read MoreThe Way the Father & Lord Think #2
Hi all, "What we've got here is failure to communicate", is a line from the US prison drama film from 1967, 'Cool Hand Luke'. But it could be about
Read MoreThe Way the Father & Lord Think #1
Hi all,I was hungry for pizza one night and knew that Barb being Barb, would have some leftovers in the freezer. I opened the freezer and saw what you
Read MoreJanuary 2014 Newsletter
Dear friends, As I’ve sought the Father on what He will be doing in the body of Christ this year, He keeps saying that He is causing those who have
Read MoreThe Magi #3
Hi all,Some years ago a few of us were helping a church family move to a new home. There were 3 of us trying to convince their refrigerator it could
Read MoreThe Magi #2
Hi all, When I entered Indiana University (IU) in the summer of 1976, I was invited to join the fraternity my dad had been a member of, Phi Kappa Psi,
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