Hi all,What are healthy examples of people who love someone's spirit and/or soul but know how to keep boundaries? Titus's love for the people of
Read MoreBalanced Living
Lover of Ones Spirit/Soul, but not Their Body #2 of 3
Hi all,I've been sharing about loving someone's soul or spirit, maintaining boundaries, and the differences between loving one's spirit and loving
Read MoreLoving One’s Spirit/Soul but not Their Body #1 of 3
Hi all,"Jesus, lover of my soul" and "Jesus my closest friend" are lyrics from Hillsong's 1993 song: Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Have you considered
Read MoreHow Faith and Common Sense Work Together #3 of 3
Hi all,I live by what I've been describing - I'm not perfect, but I do want to share the degree to which I seek a revelation of the Father's will and
Read MoreHow Faith, Logic, and Common Sense Work Together #2 of 3
Hi all,Last week I was pretty blunt with the stream in Christianity that thinks faith is detached from the Father's will. Faith does not call
Read MoreIssues the Church Misunderstands #3 of 3
Hi all,I close this series offering a more historical perspective on our faith. For what was, will be again. People will flock to teachings about how
Read MoreIssues the church misunderstands #2 of 3
Hi all,Acts 18 describes the founding of the body of Christ in Corinth, initially starting in the home of a Roman named Justus (18: 1-11). Some 5
Read MoreIssues the Church Misunderstands #1 of 3
Hi all,Many countries have a day of Thanksgiving, and nearly all those holidays were founded with the idea of giving thanks to God. Over time,
Read MoreFollow Up: Saul & the Holy Spirit
Hi all,I wanted to follow up about the internal process we seen when leaders fall, as that process can be seen in the life of King Saul, Israel's
Read MoreWhen Leaders Fall from Grace #3 of 3
Hi all,I've shown the Lord's intent when a leader falls, to expose a leader's lust, revealed in them acting on that lust. We've also covered a church
Read MoreWhen Leaders Fall from Grace #2 of 3
Hi all,Last week I shared how the pyramid structure can separate a leader at the top, isolating them, and if they have lusts in their heart, the
Read MoreWhen Leaders Fall from Grace #1 of 3
Hi all,Separated by 3,000 years, it is easy for us to look at King David who had an affair with Uriah's wife Bathsheba, got her pregnant, and tried to
Read MoreDo We Need the Bible #4 of 4
Hi all,I will close this series talking about the balance between the Word and Spirit, and how to walk that out in daily life - how to stay balanced
Read MoreDo We Need the Bible? #3 of 4
Hi all,I've been talking about which is more important: Studying scripture or knowing the Father and Lord? Look at how you got
Read MoreDo We Need the Bible #2 of 4
Hi all,Last week I shared how most of the world's Christians do not own a Bible or New Testament, yet they grow in Him without it. In the
Read MoreDo We Need the Bible #1 of 4
Hi all,Is Bible study the main way you know the Lord, or is it supplemental to your faith?If you said Bible study is the main way you know the Lord,
Read MoreFinal Thoughts on NT Giving
Hi all,Most pastors and Christians have no idea that righteousness is by its very nature, both vertical and horizontal at the same time. But now you
Read MoreNT Giving and Prosperity #4 of 4
Hi all,Now that we have renewed our minds to New Testament realities concerning righteousness (tzedakah) being both vertical rightness with God
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