Hi all, I was getting Chris dressed for the day while having a pity party, discouraged, with a to-do list the length of my arm - feeling overwhelmed
Read MoreBalanced Living
Took Away Sin not Sins? #1 (No Swimming)
Hi all, I grew up with the command not to go swimming for at least 30 minutes after eating a meal or I'd get a cramp and drown. As a child, it was
Read MoreGod’s Will, Mine, Does He Care #5
Hi all, I closed last week talking about the couple who were ready to break their engagement because of an argument on how to load the dishwasher.
Read MoreManipulation, Focus, and Jesus #1
Hi all, Chris has a motorized wheelchair he travels around the neighborhood with, greeting the neighbors, dogs, children, and keeping a running
Read MoreThe Magi #3
Hi all,Some years ago a few of us were helping a church family move to a new home. There were 3 of us trying to convince their refrigerator it could
Read MoreThe Magi #2
Hi all, When I entered Indiana University (IU) in the summer of 1976, I was invited to join the fraternity my dad had been a member of, Phi Kappa Psi,
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