Hi all,When I was in Bible school in 1979 there was a class about righteousness. There was also a class about the life of Christ. There were many
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What the Signs of the Zodiac really Describe #4 of 4, The Return
Hi all,I hope after reading this series your appreciation of the night sky will be all the more, knowing from man's earliest days the Lord told the
Read MoreWhat the Signs of the Zodiac really Describe, #3 of 4, New Life!
Hi all,The first 4 signs of the zodiac originally and to this day, tell of the virgin birth of Messiah, the sin of man, and the ultimate triumph the
Read MoreWhat the Signs of the Zodiac really Describe #2 of 4: Star Names First of Six
Hi all,The figures in the night sky describe the work of Christ through a yearly cycle. In ancient times even the illiterate could look up at the
Read MoreWhat the signs of the Zodiac really describe #1 of 4: Messiah
Hi all,When I was a boy my dad and I would sometimes step outside at night and he would describe for me the constellations, their names, shapes, and
Read MoreWhat God is Like Our God? 3 of 3, Cancelled Debt, Long Memory.
Hi all,What god is like our God? He instituted a national debt cancellation program - a national bankruptcy - to prevent the accumulation of wealth in
Read MoreWhat God is Like Our God? 2 of 3, Take a Day Off and Vacation?
Hi all,In this world connected by the Internet we have access to all religions, thoughts, opinions and philosophies that man has ever had through
Read MoreWhat God is Like Our God #1 of 3
Hi all,I was the Director of a Bible school when a twenty-something year old student made an appointment to talk to me. She sat down in the office and
Read MoreSurprised Who is in Heaven? (and Who Isn’t) #1 of 3
Hi all,Before I get started I want to remind you of our Saturday, May 16, Zoom web meeting - 1pm Central Time US/Canada.Registration is above or at
Read MoreJohn Fenn, We can’t improve on this! #2, Messianic movement 1 – how far is too far?
Hi all,We all agree with the statement that Christ is in us, but then we may wonder, "Can I enhance what I have in Him?Today, the Messianic
Read MoreI Can’t Improve on This! #1
-I had her heart-Hi all,I had Barb's heart on our first date. And truth be told, she had mine. She was 15, I was 16, and I owned a 1965 GTO. She liked
Read MoreLiving in the Realm of Miracles #3; Making the Jump
Hi all,The single biggest factor in my life causing me to live in the realm of miracles was the revelation of II Peter 1: 3-4:"His divine power has
Read MoreLiving in the Realm of Miracles #2: What “Crucify the Flesh” Really Means
Hi all,Even as a teenager new in the Lord, I witnessed a Christian culture of living miracle to miracle rather than living in the realm of
Read MoreLiving in the Realm of Miracles #1
Hi all,A miracle is defined as 'a surprising and welcome event that is not explainable by natural or scientific laws, and is therefore considered to
Read MoreHe tells the Finished Vision from the Start #2, Personal Transparency
Hi all, Barb and I came to the Lord in the mid-1970's in the Charismatic Renewal, when millions of people in denominational churches came to the
Read MoreThey Holy Spirit; How to Know Him #2
Hi all, Last week I shared how every prayer request in the New Testament is to the Father, not Jesus, and there is not a single prayer to the Holy
Read MoreThe Holy Spirit; How to Know Him, and Why We Don’t Pray to Him #1
Hi all, I was teaching a class on the Holy Spirit at what was then called the World Prayer Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In that particular
Read MoreInterpretation, Power Gifts, Gifts of the Spirit #5
Hi all, I wrote this series in large part to talk about how the manifestation of the Spirit is commonplace and doesn't happen with labels attached. A
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