Hi all, When Chris had given up the will to live, being in a group home 2 hours from us, we knew we had to move closer to him so he could see us
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Fear & Stupid Decisions #3 (Family/Money)
Hi all, I've been talking about how fear causes us to make decisions we wouldn't have made otherwise, and often those fears are masked by
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Hi all, Last week I shared how fear makes us think first of escape from an uncomfortable work situation, rather than looking to the Lord to see what
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Hi all, Today I'm going to show how people moved by fear make unwise or stupid decisions even if they don't realize they are being moved by
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Hi all, We lived in Colorado when our 3 boys were little and one day off we decided to head for the mountains. Barb had that morning prepared a meal
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Hi all, Barb was out on her shopping day, her weekly one afternoon break from caring for 3 boys, and she relished her Friday afternoons alone. That
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Hi all, One of the blessings of having an adult son who is mentally 4 years old but loves Jesus, is that Chris is as much aware of the Lord in his
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Hi all, In the summer of 1994 Barb died and left her body - and fortunately came back. It was due to a medical condition which was corrected by
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Hi all, How to walk in His thoughts I want to walk you through a recent situation in my life to give you an example of how I get the Father's
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Hi all,We were hiking in Colorado's high prairie south of LaJunta. Back then I could carry Chris piggy-back while the younger two boys scrambled up
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Hi all, "What we've got here is failure to communicate", is a line from the US prison drama film from 1967, 'Cool Hand Luke'. But it could be about
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Hi all,I was hungry for pizza one night and knew that Barb being Barb, would have some leftovers in the freezer. I opened the freezer and saw what you
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Hi all,Some years ago a few of us were helping a church family move to a new home. There were 3 of us trying to convince their refrigerator it could
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Hi all, When I entered Indiana University (IU) in the summer of 1976, I was invited to join the fraternity my dad had been a member of, Phi Kappa Psi,
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