Hi all,I've long been curious about where the brain's chemical and electrical systems end, and the demonic begins. This series is about that point
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Genesis 6, Nephilim Final Thoughts
Hi all,Many people today reading that the sons of God were the godly line of Seth are reading that for the first time. They had never heard that Moses
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Hi all,We've covered lots of ground in this study. My effort was not to pick apart every teaching out there about the idea there was a 2nd rebellion
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Hi all,Today we will look at the 'mighty men' and consider DNA...Genesis 6:2 says the sons of God took as wives the daughters of men Immediately
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Hi all,Last week we talked about how, if there was a 2nd angelic rebellion in Noah's day, God would have had to be involved with and helped with a 2nd
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Hi all,Last week I shared about how the angels were sealed with robes of righteousness after Lucifer rebelled, sealing their decision - just as we are
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Hi all,Last week we looked at how the books of Enoch were not considered inspired by God and therefore not included in the Old Testament. They were
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Hi all,Genesis 6, Nephilim, UFOs and such is a very popular subject now, and there is much confusion and error 'out there'.The scriptural and logical
Read MoreEnd Times Types & Shadows #3 of 3
Hi all,I've been listing a few of the types and shadows which show there is a 6,000 year time given to man, then judgement, then a time of rest on the
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Hi all,Most people aren't familiar with the story of Joash the rightful king, and the imposter who ruled in his place for 6 years, but it provides a
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Hi all,When Barb and I lived in Colorado, we loved to walk in the mountains and prairies. We had 3 young boys, 2 walking and Chris carried on my back
Read MoreWhy the ‘Rapture’ Comes First #4 of 4
Hi all, Today we'll look at I&II Thessalonians to bring all we've covered full circle. But first the summary: Judaism teaches when the Last
Read MoreWhy the ‘Rapture’ Comes First #3 of 4
Hi all, We ended last week talking of 'birth pangs of Messiah', which describes the final process of 'labor pains' the earth must go through before
Read MoreWhy the ‘Rapture’ Comes First #2 of 4
Hi all, Last week I gave a brief look at other rapture opinions, and the thing in common among them is that none consider that maybe God gave Moses
Read MoreWhy the ‘Rapture’ Comes First #1 of 4
Hi all, The most popular end time theology going around today is called 'preterism'. From the Latin, praeter, which means 'past', preterism believes
Read MoreAre We in the Tribulation? #4 of 4
Hi all, Let's wrap this up by picking up with the double asteroid hit. We can speculate where these 2 asteroids will hit - but it is just
Read MoreAre We in the Tribulation? #3 of 4
Hi all, Having last week established the 6th seal, trumpet, and bowl are the return of Jesus, and the 7th of each are the end of this age, let us now
Read MoreAre We in the Tribulation? #2 of 4
Hi all, Last week I shared about Daniel's 70 weeks. The angel Gabriel told Daniel that from the decree to rebuild the city until Messiah comes would
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