Hi all, I get asked this question quite a bit, or I get told by someone by email that we are in the 3rd seal time...wrong. To the Jewish faith... The
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The Deconstruction of One’s Faith, How to Pray #3 of 3
Hi all, Last week we looked at the Rich Young Ruler and his internal wrestling with the faith of his parents, culture, and personal values. Today the
Read MoreThe Deconstruction of One’s Faith, Prodigals, Rich Rulers #2 of 3
Hi all, I've been sharing about a process commonly called (in the US) 'deconstructing one's faith', used to describe adults in their 20's-early 40's
Read MoreThe Deconstruction of One’s Faith, When Young Adults Fall Away #1 of 3
Hi all, The phrase 'de-constructing their faith' is used to describe adults in their 20's-40's, but especially in their 30's, who have 'fallen away
Read MoreSuicide; Unforgivable? #2 of 2
Hi all, Last week I shared a few personal experiences and also raised questions about defining suicide. The reason for doing so is that one
Read MoreSuicide; Unforgivable? 1 of 2
Hi all, There are many documented cases of Christians in ancient Rome, so miserable in this life and yearning for heaven, turning themselves into
Read MoreBeliefs You Thought were Scriptural but Aren’t, Eye for an Eye
Hi all, Modern Israel lives by 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' as it relates to protecting their nation. In film, books, and popular
Read MoreBeliefs you Thought were Scriptural but Aren’t; Not Everyone Who Says Lord, Lord
Hi all, The way error breeds is when a person piles one error on another and then draws a conclusion, which is of course in error. But because they
Read MoreBeliefs You Thought were Scriptural but Aren’t, Prayer of Agreement
Hi all, Is there anyplace in the 30 years the book of Acts covers where we see teaching that if 2 pray together they will have Jesus in their midst
Read MoreCorrectly Understanding Malachi 3; Windows of Heaven
Hi all, The lady came into my office with emotions running high; partly afraid, partly in anger. "I've done what the pastor says; I tithe and I
Read MoreBeliefs you Thought were Scriptural but Aren’t, About the Tithe
Hi all, To hear some pastors you would think you are under a curse if you give 9.999% of your income to their church, but pass into blessing if you
Read MoreBeliefs you Thought were Scriptural but Aren’t, 1 can put 1000 to flight
Hi all, When I was a teenager and just getting to know the Father and Lord, I was reading the gospels for the first time in my life. I was amazed
Read MoreQuestions about the Sabbath #3 of 3
Hi all, I've been sharing how Jesus is our Sabbath-rest, and anything we do in the natural like taking a day off, is a type of the rest in Christ
Read MoreQuestions about the Sabbath #2 of 3
Hi all, We left last week with the statement that worshipping on Saturday is fine unless someone insists that is the only right way. Paul ran into
Read MoreQuestions about the Sabbath #1 of 3
Hi all, I get asked questions about the Sabbath quite often. It is a major issue for everyone from 7th Day Adventists to 'Messianic' Christians, to
Read MoreHave You ever Heard a Teaching on This? #5 of 5, Resurrection and Judgement
Hi all,Now we come to the last two stones laid down in the foundation of the faith: The resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. The Greek
Read MoreQuestions I Get Asked; Covid Vaccine; The Shot Felt ‘Round the World
Hi all,They say if you do it you have fallen away from the Lord.They say if you do it you open yourself to demons (and their control). They say
Read MoreQuestions I get asked: UFO’s, Aliens
Hi all,This is a question that became more common just in the last few months as the release of US government files on UFO's are being made
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